shiroyasu: breathing time
shiroyasu: HITO-YASUMI
shiroyasu: Higashi Chaya District
shiroyasu: Tokyo >>> Kanazawa
shiroyasu: 美しい石庭 / The garden in Komyozenji Temple
shiroyasu: driving bicycle
shiroyasu: 禅 / ZEN
shiroyasu: 窓に映ったカメラを構える手 me
shiroyasu: me(新宿"大河の舞")
shiroyasu: Yashica & Me
shiroyasu: (about) ten years ago
shiroyasu: in my room ねころんで
shiroyasu: new spectacles 新しいメガネ
shiroyasu: night
shiroyasu: mirror
shiroyasu: Pentax 6x7 & me
shiroyasu: mirror
shiroyasu: the rear of iPod
shiroyasu: Pentax 6x7 & me (with new Lens)