Shirly Hamra:
Unleash your potential.
Shirly Hamra:
Light Painting
Shirly Hamra:
Spread your wings and fly.
Shirly Hamra:
Spread your wings and fly.
Shirly Hamra:
Spread your wings and fly.
Shirly Hamra:
Light painting on the ground....
Shirly Hamra:
You can't dull my sparkle ✨
Shirly Hamra:
Shirly Hamra:
Leave a little sparkle wherever you go.
Shirly Hamra:
Shirly Hamra:
Shirly Hamra:
Shirly Hamra:
Wishing you luck, love, and health this Chinese New Year.
Shirly Hamra:
Sunset vibes and happy times.