LEGO Batman Movie Vignette Title: Batman's Study Room Even Batman needs to unwind sometimes... It's very rare for Batman to have a peaceful night at home as the notorious villains usually commit crimes at night...
LEGO Batman Movie Vignette Title: Batman's Study Room Even Batman needs to unwind sometimes... It's very rare for Batman to have a peaceful night at home as the notorious villains usually commit crimes at night...
LEGO Batman Movie Vignette Title: Batman's Study Room Even Batman needs to unwind sometimes... It's very rare for Batman to have a peaceful night at home as the notorious villains usually commit crimes at night...
LEGO Batman Movie Vignette Title: Batman's Study Room Even Batman needs to unwind sometimes... It's very rare for Batman to have a peaceful night at home as the notorious villains usually commit crimes at night...
After one month of display at LEGO Batman Movie event at Midvalley East Atrium and GSC Cinema, finally my Batman vignette is now being displayed at my home. Many thanks to LOM (LUG of Malaysia) for the opportunity to showcase my MOC display.