Shirley Buxton:
Visitors at Service
Shirley Buxton:
Christ Alive Congregation
Shirley Buxton:
Brothers Pence and Buxton Prays
Shirley Buxton:
Ernie Listens
Shirley Buxton:
Rev. Pence Funeral Papers
Shirley Buxton:
Worship at Christ Alive
Shirley Buxton:
Praying for Ernie
Shirley Buxton:
Jammed Parking Lot
Shirley Buxton:
Record Breaker
Shirley Buxton:
Audience Observes Ernie Being Prayed For
Shirley Buxton:
Jason and Christina
Shirley Buxton:
Jason Hoses the Front
Shirley Buxton:
Christ Alive Workers
Shirley Buxton:
A Recipient of a Thanksgiving Box
Shirley Buxton:
Happy Thanksgiving Greeting
Shirley Buxton:
Van Full of Thanksgiving
Shirley Buxton:
Help, Someone Get Me Down
Shirley Buxton:
Hey, I think I'm Going to Fall
Shirley Buxton:
Shirley Buxton:
Jerry Ready to Baptize Janey
Shirley Buxton:
Christiana Wet and Baptized
Shirley Buxton:
Brandon Ready for Baptism
Shirley Buxton:
Baptizing Jason
Shirley Buxton:
Thanks so Much
Shirley Buxton:
Thanks from the Shakespeare
Shirley Buxton:
church Preparation
Shirley Buxton:
Preparing to Believe
Shirley Buxton:
The Holy Ghost Falls
Shirley Buxton:
Shirley Buxton:
Board Meeting at Hastings