Sarah.Smile: Arrival day in Uganda, Africa
Sarah.Smile: Me and a little girl hugging
Sarah.Smile: Me handing out crayons
Sarah.Smile: Excited about those crayons!
Sarah.Smile: Excited about her new crayons!
Sarah.Smile: Little girl dancing around at the orphanage
Sarah.Smile: Precious children at the orphanage
Sarah.Smile: Smiling wide!
Sarah.Smile: The children at the orphanage
Sarah.Smile: Me and my new friend, Ruth, a teacher at the orphanage
Sarah.Smile: Ruth's class
Sarah.Smile: The children at the orphanage (2)
Sarah.Smile: Village of Kampala, Uganda
Sarah.Smile: Village of Kampala, Uganda
Sarah.Smile: City shot of Kampala, Uganda
Sarah.Smile: Lady selling bananas
Sarah.Smile: 2 children in the village of Jinja
Sarah.Smile: Little dancing boy at the crusade
Sarah.Smile: Some children at the crusade meeting
Sarah.Smile: Me and Mary, worshipping God together!
Sarah.Smile: Me and my new friend Mary, at the crusade meeting
Sarah.Smile: Me and my new friend, Velma, saying goodbye at the airport the night of our departure from Africa