deconstructing jen: IMG_0583
deconstructing jen: IMG_0580
deconstructing jen: IMG_0559
deconstructing jen: IMG_0518
deconstructing jen: the road taken
deconstructing jen: the spill way
deconstructing jen: IMG_0482
deconstructing jen: splintered barn door
deconstructing jen: stepping stones
deconstructing jen: broken barn window
deconstructing jen: forgotten window
deconstructing jen: IMG_0474
deconstructing jen: rusty pay office
deconstructing jen: IMG_0441
deconstructing jen: old barn
deconstructing jen: IMG_0437
deconstructing jen: IMG_0436
deconstructing jen: light on a frozen lake
deconstructing jen: IMG_0418