shimemo: Ginkgo leaves
shimemo: Woody town central station ウッディタウン中央駅
shimemo: Finepix F200EXR test
shimemo: Woody town central station ウッディタウン中央駅
shimemo: Kobe Luminarie 神戸ルミナリエ
shimemo: Kobe Luminarie 2013
shimemo: Kobe Luminarie 2013 神戸ルミナリエ
shimemo: Night view of Sannomiya 神戸市役所展望スペースからの夜景
shimemo: Morning sun light through the clouds
shimemo: After the rain
shimemo: Light and shadow
shimemo: Ni river 仁川
shimemo: Light and shadow
shimemo: Gradation of colors
shimemo: Dandelion seeds
shimemo: winter flowers
shimemo: Face to face
shimemo: Lights
shimemo: untitled
shimemo: Tsuruga bay 敦賀湾
shimemo: Tsuruga bay 敦賀湾
shimemo: Leaves of Smilax China サルトリイバラの葉
shimemo: Snowing
shimemo: Drip
shimemo: Drip
shimemo: A spectacle from the top of Mt. Amagahage 尼ケ禿山からの眺望
shimemo: The sunrise on 2013 New Year's Day 一年前の初日の出