shimelle: west pier
shimelle: flying
shimelle: carousel
shimelle: walk to the end
shimelle: view from the pier
shimelle: the master
shimelle: snapping west pier
shimelle: toes
shimelle: danger
shimelle: remnants
shimelle: pavilion dome
shimelle: Tuesday Trip
shimelle: Tuesday Trip
shimelle: Tuesday coffee
shimelle: Lollipop Shoppe
shimelle: no. palace pier. grumble.
shimelle: sitting in a sea of pebbles
shimelle: where did all the horsies go?
shimelle: helter skelter
shimelle: still a little bit left
shimelle: depth of field is fun!
shimelle: quaker cupcakes
shimelle: blossoms at the beach
shimelle: such a fabulous sign
shimelle: snap
shimelle: looking for shells