Shillin': Tomax and Xamot
Shillin': The General demonstrating his form
Shillin': Snipa Scoot
Shillin': Shillin' demonstrating his form
Shillin': Raising weapon in Victory
Shillin': Paintball 2005
Shillin': Lucky the Snipa
Shillin': Lethal Lucky
Shillin': Lethal Lucky2
Shillin': #1 and #2 Ranked Shotta's
Shillin': 6 love for the Green team
Shillin': Better Luck next time
Shillin': Cold blooded Assasin
Shillin': Demonstating how not to fire shot
Shillin': Esquire enjoying the flawless Victory
Shillin': Fab 5 posing with Terrible 2
Shillin': Fab 5's Most Wanted (Scoot)
Shillin': GI JOE's most infamous trio