Pooja and Shijo Photography: Scaly Breasted Munia
Pooja and Shijo Photography: Black Tailed Gnatcatcher
Pooja and Shijo Photography: Pileated Woodpecker
Pooja and Shijo Photography: Green-tailed towhee
Pooja and Shijo Photography: Northern pygmy owl
Pooja and Shijo Photography: Wilson's Warbler
Pooja and Shijo Photography: Yellow Breasted Chat
Pooja and Shijo Photography: Northern Red Bishop
Pooja and Shijo Photography: Ferruginous Hawk
Pooja and Shijo Photography: Bullock's Oriole
Pooja and Shijo Photography: Ferruginous Hawk
Pooja and Shijo Photography: Tropical Kingbird
Pooja and Shijo Photography: Canada Jay / Gray Jay / Grey Jay
Pooja and Shijo Photography: Hurricane Ridge, Olympic National Park
Pooja and Shijo Photography: Evening Grosbeak
Pooja and Shijo Photography: Spirit Falls, Oregon