The Shifted Librarian: Treetop Loft at the Robinwood Inn in Nashville, Indiana
The Shifted Librarian: The stairway to the Treetop Loft
The Shifted Librarian: Papier-mâché deer
The Shifted Librarian: Great antique light fixture in the living room
The Shifted Librarian: The kitchen in the Treetop Loft
The Shifted Librarian: The Peacock bedroom
The Shifted Librarian: Private deck
The Shifted Librarian: Hot tub on the deck!
The Shifted Librarian: One of the Shetland ponies that lives at the Robinwood Inn
The Shifted Librarian: The other Shetland pony hiding out
The Shifted Librarian: Sculpture in Nashville IN)
The Shifted Librarian: "I take it all to have been moonshine and lies...."
The Shifted Librarian: Woke up and saw chickens walking around the yard
The Shifted Librarian: Day two of vacation: all reading, all day
The Shifted Librarian: Drinks at what may have been the worst Mexican restaurant we've ever been to
The Shifted Librarian: Drinks at what may have been the worst Mexican restaurant we've ever been to
The Shifted Librarian: Sundae at Miller's
The Shifted Librarian: The hot tub turned out to be heart-shaped
The Shifted Librarian: I'm a piece of art! #IMAwurm
The Shifted Librarian: Arrive in Columbus (IN), head to Donuts N' Coffee first
The Shifted Librarian: Chihuly Chandelier in the Columbus Visitors Center
The Shifted Librarian: Chihuly "Persian" in the Columbus Visitors Center
The Shifted Librarian: Kathryn in Henry Moore's Large Arch
The Shifted Librarian: Henry Moore's Large Arch
The Shifted Librarian: Henry Moore's Large Arch in front of the Cleo Rogers Memorial Library branch designed by I. M. Pei
The Shifted Librarian: Life in the Library
The Shifted Librarian: Fundraiser for the Bartholomew County Public Library Associates
The Shifted Librarian: Book Art fundraiser
The Shifted Librarian: Inside the Cleo Rogers Memorial Library branch, designed by I. M. Pei