The Shifted Librarian: Fruit sushi at Orange
The Shifted Librarian: IT'S A CUPCAKE ATM!
The Shifted Librarian: Geting a cupcake from the Sprinkles Cupcake ATM
The Shifted Librarian: Seeing "Beauty and the Beast"
The Shifted Librarian: Artichoke Pakoras at Vermilion
The Shifted Librarian: Duck Vindaloo Arepas at Vermilion
The Shifted Librarian: Mysore Lamb Chops with Chili Mint Chutney at Vermilion
The Shifted Librarian: Fenugreek Naan at Vermilion
The Shifted Librarian: Chili-glazed Blackened Tamarind Ribs
The Shifted Librarian: Chocolate Hedonism at Vermilion
The Shifted Librarian: Our comment card at Vermilion
The Shifted Librarian: Our favorite at the DG Car Show
The Shifted Librarian: Sprinkles cupcake!
The Shifted Librarian: Sprinkles cupcakes
The Shifted Librarian: Trying the AeroShot chocolate inhaler
The Shifted Librarian: Rush from the chocolate Aeroshot
The Shifted Librarian: Playing Dixit
The Shifted Librarian: Playing Pegs
The Shifted Librarian: Playing Toc Toc Woodman
The Shifted Librarian: Stratergizing for Tok Tok Wodman
The Shifted Librarian: Anna showing how not to play Toc Toc Woodman
The Shifted Librarian: Taking my turn at knocking down the tree
The Shifted Librarian: Kathryn knocking down the tree
The Shifted Librarian: Oak Park Public Library's Idea Box: Best Books
The Shifted Librarian: Oak Park Public Library's Idea Box: Best Books
The Shifted Librarian: Best Books from OPPL patrons
The Shifted Librarian: "How Ya Doin'?"
The Shifted Librarian: Favorite books