The Shifted Librarian: Tim on a Segway
The Shifted Librarian: Maribeth on a Segway
The Shifted Librarian: Louise on a Segway
The Shifted Librarian: Sherri on a Segway
The Shifted Librarian: Jim on a Segway
The Shifted Librarian: Irene on a Segway
The Shifted Librarian: Irene and Maribeth getting their "Segway legs"
The Shifted Librarian: Jeff on a Segway
The Shifted Librarian: Getting ready to head out
The Shifted Librarian: Thumbs up!
The Shifted Librarian: Heading down the lakefront
The Shifted Librarian: Practicing for the Air & Water Show
The Shifted Librarian: Jeff pretending to run into me
The Shifted Librarian: The Blue Angels
The Shifted Librarian: The Blue Angels
The Shifted Librarian: The Blue Angels
The Shifted Librarian: Blue Angels over Chicago
The Shifted Librarian: Loop de loop
The Shifted Librarian: Loop de loop
The Shifted Librarian: Loop de loop
The Shifted Librarian: Chicago skyline panorama (taken with my phone)
The Shifted Librarian: Loop de loop
The Shifted Librarian: Chicago skyline panorama (taken with my camera)
The Shifted Librarian: Blue Angels over the Shedd Aquarium
The Shifted Librarian: Blue Angels in formation
The Shifted Librarian: Blue Angels flying back over the Shedd Aquarium
The Shifted Librarian: Heading toward the Adler Planetarium
The Shifted Librarian: Bird brain
The Shifted Librarian: Chicago skyline from in front of the Adler Planetarium
The Shifted Librarian: The Blue Angels