The Shifted Librarian: King Charles?
The Shifted Librarian: This way to ALA Connect
The Shifted Librarian: Libraries Build Communities volunteers get ready to head out into the community
The Shifted Librarian: Emerging Leaders Team G
The Shifted Librarian: EL Team G's poster for their video game collection development policy
The Shifted Librarian: EL Team G's video game collection development policy project
The Shifted Librarian: EL Team G's giveaways
The Shifted Librarian: Greg Landgraf from American Libraries interviews EL Team I
The Shifted Librarian: Emerging Leaders Team I
The Shifted Librarian: EL Team I's post about usability and library websites
The Shifted Librarian: Usability checklist from EL Team I
The Shifted Librarian: EL Team I's project about The 7 Deadliest Sins of Library Websites
The Shifted Librarian: Emerging Leaders Team J
The Shifted Librarian: EL Team J's poster visualizing timeframes for ALA initiatives
The Shifted Librarian: EL Team J's giveaways
The Shifted Librarian: Washington came to Annual!
The Shifted Librarian: It was so great to see Michelle Boule
The Shifted Librarian: Pat Sweeney and JP Porcaro interviewing Emerging Leaders
The Shifted Librarian: Pete Bromberg and Aaron Dobbs
The Shifted Librarian: Opening speaker Dan Savage was very inspiring
The Shifted Librarian: Free swag from Diamond and Paizo
The Shifted Librarian: Free swag from Diamond and Paizo
The Shifted Librarian: Playing old skool Four Square
The Shifted Librarian: Playing Blokus
The Shifted Librarian: The local 501st Legion arrives!
The Shifted Librarian: Playing Tsuro
The Shifted Librarian: 8-people Telestrations is awesome
The Shifted Librarian: Kate and Frank playing Telestrations