The Shifted Librarian: Jen has an amazing home
The Shifted Librarian: Jen has a brook in her front yard
The Shifted Librarian: all in for 5-Way Chili Spaghetti at Skyline
The Shifted Librarian: sign in Jungle Jim's parking lot
The Shifted Librarian: sign in Jungle Jim's parking lot
The Shifted Librarian: Kathryn and Jen in front of the giant strawberry
The Shifted Librarian: Shasta at Jungle Jim's
The Shifted Librarian: the talking Campbell's Soup can and more at Jungle Jim's
The Shifted Librarian: the Butter Bar at Jungle Jim's
The Shifted Librarian: the singing "Cereal Bowl Band" at Jungle Jim's
The Shifted Librarian: Jungle Jim's literally has everything ever
The Shifted Librarian: the Robin Hood display about the British foods area at Jungle Jim's
The Shifted Librarian: above the frozen food section at Jungle Jim's
The Shifted Librarian: a Tuffy's Toasted Roll
The Shifted Librarian: Miami University Libraries Gaming Lab
The Shifted Librarian: The Black (Pugh's Mill) Covered Bridge
The Shifted Librarian: walking through the Pugh's Mill Covered Bridge
The Shifted Librarian: it cost $6922 to build a covered bridge in 1868
The Shifted Librarian: left or right?
The Shifted Librarian: moon with rings
The Shifted Librarian: feed me, seymour?
The Shifted Librarian: the forest for the trees
The Shifted Librarian: nature stairs
The Shifted Librarian: stairway to....