The Shifted Librarian: flying into Anchorage
The Shifted Librarian: flying into Anchorage
The Shifted Librarian: flying into Anchorage
The Shifted Librarian: flying into Anchorage
The Shifted Librarian: an Anchorage institution
The Shifted Librarian: taking a walk through Resolution Park
The Shifted Librarian: looking out over Cook Inlet from Resolution Park
The Shifted Librarian: looking out over Cook Inlet from Resolution Park
The Shifted Librarian: looking out over Cook Inlet from Resolution Park
The Shifted Librarian: singing magpie
The Shifted Librarian: singing magpie
The Shifted Librarian: Cook Inlet (panorama)
The Shifted Librarian: we arrived during the Fur Rondy festival
The Shifted Librarian: Captain Cook's story
The Shifted Librarian: breakfast at Snow City Cafe
The Shifted Librarian: our new favorite breakfast place
The Shifted Librarian: the Fur Rondy shuttle
The Shifted Librarian: we met up with Jessamyn to walk around Anchorage
The Shifted Librarian: the Fur Rondy Carnival
The Shifted Librarian: taking a walk
The Shifted Librarian: the Fur Rondy Carnival
The Shifted Librarian: The Ulu Factory
The Shifted Librarian: fancy Ulu knife
The Shifted Librarian: heading to the Snow Sculptures
The Shifted Librarian: Fur Rondy Snow Sculptures
The Shifted Librarian: snow sculpture
The Shifted Librarian: snow sculpture
The Shifted Librarian: snow sculpture (and Kathryn)
The Shifted Librarian: snow sculpture with arm that fell off