The Shifted Librarian: Anna and Bruce
The Shifted Librarian: Thanksgiving morning breakfast
The Shifted Librarian: Anna and me
The Shifted Librarian: mmm... apple pie
The Shifted Librarian: my mom shows Anna how to pinch pie crust
The Shifted Librarian: topping the chocolate caramel pie with pecans
The Shifted Librarian: Apples to Apples break!
The Shifted Librarian: Anna and her sign
The Shifted Librarian: kitchen warning
The Shifted Librarian: Anna cutting up an avocado
The Shifted Librarian: snack break
The Shifted Librarian: Kathryn and Anna dancing
The Shifted Librarian: Kathryn and Anna dancing
The Shifted Librarian: Tulip and Anna
The Shifted Librarian: stuffing and the turkey
The Shifted Librarian: from Judy's recipes for green beans and sweet potatoes
The Shifted Librarian: amazing Thanksgiving dinner!
The Shifted Librarian: Anna digging in
The Shifted Librarian: the fun table
The Shifted Librarian: hitting up Aunt Josie for a Girl Scout cookies order
The Shifted Librarian: Izzy and Anna
The Shifted Librarian: Izzy and Anna
The Shifted Librarian: Izzy and Anna
The Shifted Librarian: Anna's picture of me and Izzy
The Shifted Librarian: Dad and Bill
The Shifted Librarian: Teddy and Bear
The Shifted Librarian: Dolly Llama and Obama Llama
The Shifted Librarian: Mom feeding Dolly Llama