The Shifted Librarian: Thinkering Spaces
The Shifted Librarian: Thinkering Spaces
The Shifted Librarian: Thinkering Space
The Shifted Librarian: the other side of the Thinkering Space
The Shifted Librarian: TJ explains a little about Thinkering Spaces
The Shifted Librarian: TJ puts this book with an RFID tag in it on the reader
The Shifted Librarian: moving images/content around the screen
The Shifted Librarian: moving images/content around the screen
The Shifted Librarian: projector with wiimote
The Shifted Librarian: hey, that's me!
The Shifted Librarian: hey, that's me!
The Shifted Librarian: putting this cube on the reader brings up the Wizard of Oz drawing program
The Shifted Librarian: dragging images on the left into the story frame on the right
The Shifted Librarian: putting a doll on the reader pulls up one story
The Shifted Librarian: put a different doll on the reader and get someone else's story
The Shifted Librarian: projector with wiimote
The Shifted Librarian: open Thinkering Space
The Shifted Librarian: people working together using technology
The Shifted Librarian: collaborative drawing table
The Shifted Librarian: people working together using technology
The Shifted Librarian: coloring a picture on the collaborative drawing table
The Shifted Librarian: we could have been coloring in the lines
The Shifted Librarian: collaborative drawing table
The Shifted Librarian: TJ takes a picture of the collaborative drawing and it appears on the screen
The Shifted Librarian: TJ takes a picture of the collaborative drawing and it appears on the screen
The Shifted Librarian: Dale moves pictures around on the screen
The Shifted Librarian: TJ turns the cube and sound comes out of nearby speakers
The Shifted Librarian: TJ turns the cube and a different weather map appears
The Shifted Librarian: TJ turns the cube and a different weather map appears
The Shifted Librarian: mashed up Wizard of Oz content