The Shifted Librarian: Erik, Jaap, and Liesbeth picked us up at Schiphol in the DOK bus
The Shifted Librarian: Erik in the Schiphol parking lot
The Shifted Librarian: Jaap stretching out in the back of the DOK bus
The Shifted Librarian: Liesbeth at Schiphol
The Shifted Librarian: spare gas in the back of the DOK bus
The Shifted Librarian: Jaap and Liesbeth driving us in the DOK bus from Schiphol to Delft
The Shifted Librarian: walking around Delft
The Shifted Librarian: kitty in the window of the bike shop
The Shifted Librarian: Jaap during lunch
The Shifted Librarian: De Beestenmarkt
The Shifted Librarian: old DOK library building
The Shifted Librarian: old DOK library building
The Shifted Librarian: old DOK library building
The Shifted Librarian: approaching DOK library
The Shifted Librarian: exterior of DOK library
The Shifted Librarian: peering into DOK library
The Shifted Librarian: exterior of DOK library
The Shifted Librarian: me riding a DOK bike
The Shifted Librarian: Erik triggering a display of solar power usage in a parking garage
The Shifted Librarian: display of solar power usage in a parking garage
The Shifted Librarian: waffle stand
The Shifted Librarian: waffle stand
The Shifted Librarian: warm waffle with syrup - very yummy
The Shifted Librarian: walking the DOK bikes back to our hotel
The Shifted Librarian: plant store
The Shifted Librarian: it's just warm enough for folks to sit outside and eat in De Beestenmarkt
The Shifted Librarian: we can walk up to the top of the church tower
The Shifted Librarian: Delft signs
The Shifted Librarian: bridge over a canal in Delft
The Shifted Librarian: "better to be long-haired than short-sighted"