The Shifted Librarian: flight to Philadelphia
The Shifted Librarian: flight to Philadelphia
The Shifted Librarian: flight to Philadelphia
The Shifted Librarian: flight to Philadelphia
The Shifted Librarian: flight to Philadelphia
The Shifted Librarian: flight to Philadelphia
The Shifted Librarian: flight to Philadelphia
The Shifted Librarian: flight to Philadelphia
The Shifted Librarian: flight to Philadelphia
The Shifted Librarian: flight to Philadelphia
The Shifted Librarian: flight to Philadelphia
The Shifted Librarian: playing Taluva
The Shifted Librarian: Race for the Galaxy
The Shifted Librarian: Race for the Galaxy
The Shifted Librarian: the cute bunny card from the game Felix
The Shifted Librarian: Felix cards
The Shifted Librarian: Dale, Scott, and I playing Felix
The Shifted Librarian: other folks played other games, too
The Shifted Librarian: playing Arbos
The Shifted Librarian: leaves from Arbos
The Shifted Librarian: Scott playing Hamster Roll
The Shifted Librarian: Will playing Hamster Roll
The Shifted Librarian: Dale at the ALISE gaming night
The Shifted Librarian: others played Tongiaki at ALISE's gaming night
The Shifted Librarian: seen on the way to the ALISE gaming night
The Shifted Librarian: Oldenburg Clothespin by City Hall
The Shifted Librarian: William Penn on City Hall