Shidoshi: Study the menu, learn what it is your stomach wants to eat. This is the one true path...
Shidoshi: Jackie puts on her hungry face
Shidoshi: There's goodness inside of those pancakes
Shidoshi: I opted for a pancake that was not stuffed with goodness. I had my goodness on the side...
Shidoshi: Jackie is a food shooter
Shidoshi: She was later defeated by the mass amounts of foodage on her plate
Shidoshi: Andy is good at one thing...chillin'
Shidoshi: The ladies soak up the sun
Shidoshi: Matt's Bro and Dad
Shidoshi: JJ pretending to be J. Crew
Shidoshi: Pittsburgh actually has its nicer parts of town
Shidoshi: Ms. Head and Mrs. Turner shop and shoot
Shidoshi: To my knowledge, neither of these ladies happens to be 21
Shidoshi: Fast food jock at 5 Guys spies me taking a picture of the kitchen
Shidoshi: JJ is not a bowler
Shidoshi: Julia has an uncanny awareness of the camera
Shidoshi: Not married, married, married-to-be
Shidoshi: There is a message hidden in the numbers--nothing is random
Shidoshi: Girls...balls...
Shidoshi: Make up your own caption
Shidoshi: Bride-to-be joins the fun
Shidoshi: I'm not sayin' a single thing
Shidoshi: Notice that there are no black people in the pool
Shidoshi: Illusions
Shidoshi: Jackie having a humble breakfast
Shidoshi: I went out one morning and bought everyone cupcakes
Shidoshi: Wedding showers, May flowers
Shidoshi: Jackie, JJ and Matt, messing up the alliteration as per usual
Shidoshi: Matt has been replaced by a little girl
Shidoshi: The couple arrives