Shidoshi: Some of these are out of focus, but I make no appologies
Shidoshi: Swett's was my first meal in Nashville. That's peach cobbler top left
Shidoshi: Nashville, Greece
Shidoshi: Some humans in the picture for perspective on this thing
Shidoshi: A view from the Parthenon
Shidoshi: Probably the best picture I took in Nashville
Shidoshi: Preachy statue preaching to the mother and daughter to the right of it
Shidoshi: Supposed to have great shakes, but I looked inside and wasn't really that impressed
Shidoshi: Baptist...
Shidoshi: This was taken _inside_ the hotel
Shidoshi: Seriously, the Opryland Hotel is kind of obnoxiously huge
Shidoshi: Not Italy--it's Opryland!
Shidoshi: A view of downtown Nashville
Shidoshi: For my brother Meng
Shidoshi: Downtown Nashville from the bottom up. But, I think I prefer E. Nashville
Shidoshi: For a certain segment of the population, this is probably Mecca
Shidoshi: Dude...W..T..F..
Shidoshi: Second most famous alley in the south
Shidoshi: I didn't see a single printer there...I feel cheated
Shidoshi: Touristy section of downtown Cashville
Shidoshi: Not being a huge country fan a lot of this is lost on me
Shidoshi: I love places like this. It is small, hot, and full of good food
Shidoshi: This girl was eating a hamburger--and, for that, she gets space on my flickr
Shidoshi: Sure, I could post produce this to make it lighter. But, this is pretty much how it looked to me when I ate it. Onion rings on the left, and a Rotier burger
Shidoshi: ObVandy
Shidoshi: ObKrispy
Shidoshi: The best bakery in East, and maybe all of, Nashville
Shidoshi: Sweet 16th didn't have any Velvet Elvis cake this day, but I did get a couple of tastified cupcakes
Shidoshi: In the park, and claims say it is pretty good 'Cue, so I had to have some...
Shidoshi: Hog Heaven does not suck, folks...