Shidoshi: Been there, did =not= do that
Shidoshi: When the nuclear bombs come, all that will be left to eat is whatever's in the roach coaches of the world
Shidoshi: pommes mit ketchup
Shidoshi: I found this in the middle of a mall in Wolfsburg
Shidoshi: Autostadt at night
Shidoshi: Yes, it is about 200 kilometers from here to Berlin. That's what's up
Shidoshi: Talking about autobahn commutes
Shidoshi: SAGA2 ASI2 Importers
Shidoshi: I have to believe that this gave some inspiration to that part in the Matrix where Neo wakes up...
Shidoshi: It's Easter in Wolfsburg
Shidoshi: Walking from the Ritz to the Autostadt
Shidoshi: The Reeperbahn
Shidoshi: The Reeperbahn (I will not zoom for you--read about it on Wikipedia)
Shidoshi: A church near the Reeperbahn. Those people do, indeed, need Jesus
Shidoshi: Volksfest Hamburg!
Shidoshi: Amy was coming to Hamburg a day after I left. This made me sad
Shidoshi: If you know me, then you know why this is funny
Shidoshi: Tracks of my tears, Hamburg
Shidoshi: These are tiny little funnel cakes covered with confectioner's sugar. One person does NOT need 200g of these. I learned this the hard way
Shidoshi: Keep your game tight
Shidoshi: It's at moments like these, when I find a random park in the middle of a random city, that I realize that Detroit is all but dead
Shidoshi: I'm going to assume this dude killed a bunch of people so that Hamburg might exist
Shidoshi: Part of Hamburg that overlooks the Elbe
Shidoshi: You are here
Shidoshi: Take a tour on the Elbe
Shidoshi: Random, but interesting, graf found in Hamburg
Shidoshi: I think the people in these buildings are trying to make some sort of statement
Shidoshi: Not open on the day I walked by, but now I know where the Hamburg Fish Market is
Shidoshi: There's a lot of noise in this photo, but please notice that there's a giant robot made out of boomboxes in there somewhere
Shidoshi: I did not go in, because San Francisco has one that's bigger, better, and not currently under renovation