Shidoshi: Getting ready to go
Shidoshi: That is one huge bag, sir
Shidoshi: Keisha and Tramale looking on the move
Shidoshi: I have no idea why Keisha is holding up my kicks
Shidoshi: Heading to the B & C gates in DTW
Shidoshi: Jackie is ready to go
Shidoshi: On the plane
Shidoshi: After sitting in NYC for 3 hours it is time for Nice
Shidoshi: Tramale with iPod, French pastry, and GQ mag on plane to Nice
Shidoshi: Le Menu
Shidoshi: Jackie is all married and what not
Shidoshi: The airport at Nice
Shidoshi: Driving to the hotel
Shidoshi: The drive was not long, but we were getting bouncy looking out the windows
Shidoshi: Our hotel, our McDonalds
Shidoshi: On the way up to check in
Shidoshi: Our view from one side
Shidoshi: Our view from the other side
Shidoshi: On our balcony
Shidoshi: The hotel knows what's up
Shidoshi: Tramale, TomTom, Nice dwellers
Shidoshi: Tramale's first drink in Nice
Shidoshi: Tramale's plate
Shidoshi: Jackie's plate
Shidoshi: Time for the first eating
Shidoshi: Walking along the promenade
Shidoshi: Seriously, we had nothing but this to look at for the entire time. Life is grand.
Shidoshi: Jackie, Tramale, and Tramale's pimple all hanging out on the promenade
Shidoshi: The horizon
Shidoshi: Greater Nice