Shidoshi: I have nothing to say about this
Shidoshi: Take me to the Boulanger
Shidoshi: Tramale walking the streets of Old Nice
Shidoshi: This nice lady put the ice cream in the cup for Jackie
Shidoshi: Jackie's ice cream consumption began to rival her brulee addiction
Shidoshi: Ice cream monster
Shidoshi: Baguette ordering is an essential skill, but Jackie can do it with ice cream in hand
Shidoshi: Sometimes you don't have to find the picture. Sometimes, the picture finds you.
Shidoshi: Jackie getting sassy in Old Nice
Shidoshi: Jackie buying postcards to send to friends that can actually read French (unlike husbands that can't)
Shidoshi: French cop looking French and copish
Shidoshi: Jackie looks approvingly at Tramale's chocolate mouse
Shidoshi: Have I mentioned that Jackie has a thing for Creme Brulee yet...
Shidoshi: We decided to stop here for some treats
Shidoshi: Jackie looking qutie fetching
Shidoshi: Water, Nice, Alps, word.
Shidoshi: Tramale and Jackie looking good in Nice
Shidoshi: On your honeymoon, you should do and try everything possible to break your legs
Shidoshi: Tramale thinks about moving to the south of France
Shidoshi: Nice from up on high
Shidoshi: Jackie is being as silly as possible
Shidoshi: Went here to get some cheese for Tramale
Shidoshi: Cheese, check. Bread, check. Happy Tramale, check.
Shidoshi: Tramale quite happy about all things bread
Shidoshi: The eating never stops
Shidoshi: Jackie eating a late night crepe