Shidoshi: I'm not gonna hate, Detroit has its Historical Society...
Shidoshi: Funny, never heard of a Ford Bank or a GM Bank
Shidoshi: The factory at night
Shidoshi: The Phaeno spaceship outside of the Autostadt
Shidoshi: Another good night-look at the factory
Shidoshi: A couple of Wolfsburg rabbits
Shidoshi: This little guy was a great model. He just sat there...scared as hell of the guy with the camera
Shidoshi: This was a prize on a late-night (11PM) game show on TV
Shidoshi: This was the hostess of the gameshow
Shidoshi: The Germans are trying to give the Japanese a run for their money on strange TV
Shidoshi: Outside the factory in Wolfsburg
Shidoshi: I mean the factory is truly endless
Shidoshi: You see very few American (or Japanese) cars in the parking lots
Shidoshi: The name says it all
Shidoshi: The Autostadt is much more impressive from the inside out
Shidoshi: On the way to Mitte in East Berlin
Shidoshi: Berlin has that look that I just love
Shidoshi: Berlin Graf
Shidoshi: Dope sneaker shop that Jeff Staple blogs about
Shidoshi: Sneaker freakers at another shop (Mitte has about 9 billion shoe stores)
Shidoshi: I *heart* the Funk store. The guy behind the register asked me if I wanted to have a beer with him after I picked up some gear here.
Shidoshi: It is a revolution kids
Shidoshi: For those of you from the Hebrew persuasion
Shidoshi: The purpose of this building is boring, but the look is hot
Shidoshi: Everyone takes this picture, but mine has the soccer ball
Shidoshi: I like the shadows and wonky perspective in this one
Shidoshi: Hate me for the wack framing, but I'm in love with the architecture. Sorry for the crap-tastic photo.
Shidoshi: More wonky perspective of the German industrial machine in Berlin
Shidoshi: Better perspective in the same spot as the wonky perspective photos
Shidoshi: A quick crop and I could almost send this one home to mom on a postcard