Shidoshi: Some dude from BET's Rap City
Shidoshi: Giant in a land of little people
Shidoshi: I met Goapele. She is the cutest thing ever.
Shidoshi: Fat Joe is about to eat this woman
Shidoshi: Fat Joe spots bigger game
Shidoshi: Slim Thug gets interviewed
Shidoshi: I never found out what her name was, but she was EVERYWHERE we were. I think she's a celebrity stalker
Shidoshi: TO came, then left. No one cared.
Shidoshi: Some R&B dude. I have no idea
Shidoshi: I am not one to judge, but Camilionaire looks sort of...special
Shidoshi: Luda in Puma
Shidoshi: Goapele came back down for pics. I spoke to her the first time, but decided not to go all stalker on her this time
Shidoshi: Magic inspects Kerri's shot
Shidoshi: Fat Joe is still looking for someone to eat
Shidoshi: The Queen is in the House
Shidoshi: Some girl dancing. Look into her eyes--she's the devil.
Shidoshi: Regina King's behind.
Shidoshi: I have a crappy camera and Regina still comes out looking good. That's natural beauty folks.
Shidoshi: My good friend Mr. Ice Cube. West Siiiiiiide.
Shidoshi: Carmen from the agency. She's lovely.
Shidoshi: Sorry, I don't drink. Please notice the guy on the cell to her left.
Shidoshi: There were a lot of girls dressed like this all weekend. They got about $30 an hour.
Shidoshi: Shaq enters. More of him later.
Shidoshi: The Akademiks girls were handing out goodies. They also had some goodies of their own.
Shidoshi: Regina King has a great smile.
Shidoshi: ESPN's Steve Smith
Shidoshi: Magic about to do a little dance
Shidoshi: F-a-b-o-l-o-u-s can't spell.
Shidoshi: Another guy checking out the ladies
Shidoshi: Enter Shaq and Wife...while I'm just sitting at my table...