e. david: What I do for fun
e. david: Are you sure this is going to be a watch when i'm finished?
e. david: That's not a watch
e. david: Dexter
e. david: Chef's Knife
e. david: Ratter-1
e. david: New knives
e. david: Treasure Chest for Cory
e. david: michaels knife
e. david: Gloria
e. david: Beeuw (Bill)
e. david: Just plain Bille
e. david: Lil Monster
e. david: Stanley, Made for my favorite Red Neck
e. david: here come da pig
e. david: Canarywood Drop Point
e. david: I ve been busy
e. david: Knife Abstract
e. david: The bleeding edge
e. david: DSCN0222
e. david: The JMR
e. david: My Steel