shetha: Just Peachy, the birthday boy!
shetha: sleepy face
shetha: No one wants to dance?
shetha: Tha girls!
shetha: Ooooh what does she keep in here anyway?
shetha: Where'd all the bubbles go?
shetha: Sunlight, on my son
shetha: Does your shoe go on your ear?
shetha: Sippin some juice
shetha: Oh, did you want some?
shetha: The urban low-car-diet birthdayboy's mama
shetha: finger-lickin good
shetha: pre-cupcake snack
shetha: mmmmm chocolate
shetha: Quintessential cheesy grin
shetha: Ellie is SUCH a good girl!
shetha: Birthday Boy
shetha: Happy Birthday, Cole!
shetha: Still lighting candles in the wind
shetha: Lighting candles in the wind
shetha: Is that a cupcake I see before me?
shetha: Action shot
shetha: Can I throw rocks now?
shetha: Ready, Aim, Fire!
shetha: Chucking rocks into the river
shetha: Three boys on the stairs