Meg R: Ann Arbour art fair
Meg R: The '50s McDonalds
Meg R: ACE.
Meg R: Madelaine pre-show
Meg R: LOL.
Meg R: Quiet Oxford Street
Meg R: Abbey Road Studios
Meg R: Big Ben.
Meg R: View from above
Meg R: Duke Street.
Meg R: Busy Oxford street on a Wednesday.
Meg R: Parliament.
Meg R: Protest
Meg R: Queen's birthday celebration.
Meg R: I was on television.
Meg R: Loads of old people.
Meg R: Parrrrtay.
Meg R: Homecoming, '04?
Meg R: Stargirl, it seriously looks like that.
Meg R: Some place pretty
Meg R: This is Notting Hill
Meg R: Australians
Meg R: Buckinghamshire, typical English weather
Meg R: Edinburgh, Scotland
Meg R: Edinburgh, Scotland
Meg R: Edinburgh, Scotland
Meg R: Edinburgh, Scotland
Meg R: Told you!