Sherri Lynn Wood: Spent the day installing #ScoreForFloatingSquares - a la Sew LeWitt at #adobebooksbackroomgallery #adobebooks #socialpractice Let the fun begin! Opens September 6.
Sherri Lynn Wood: Never really looked at this quilt in gray scale before. I like! #adobebooksbackroomgallery #ScoreForFloatingSquares #SewLeWitt #adobebooks
Sherri Lynn Wood: 1st patchwork clinic. Making progress. #SewLeWitt #ScoreForFloatingSquares #adobebooksbackroomgallery #adobebooks #socialpractice #TheImprovHandbookForModernQuilters special thanks to #kaufmanfabrics and #fairfieldworld for the luscious materials!
Sherri Lynn Wood: #SewLeWitt #ScoreForFloatingSquares #adobebooks #adobebooksbackroomgallery #TheImprovHandbookForModernQuilters
Sherri Lynn Wood: Last night with @roderick752 at #adobebooksbackroomgallery was a glow. My eyes are closed but I think this best captures the warm and intimate delight of the evening. Great audience at our unconventional and unexpected show and tell. #SewLeWitt #ScoreForF
Sherri Lynn Wood: The work table at #SewLeWitt lay night. These two books go hand in hand. #unconventionalandunexpected #TheImprovHandbookForModernQuilters #improvhandbook #adobebooks #robertkaufman #fairfieldworld #stccraft @abramsbooks @stc_craft @roderick752
Sherri Lynn Wood: So fun to enter the gallery and discover new patchwork at #SewLeWitt #ScoreForFloatingSquares #adobebooksbackroomgallery #adobebooks beautiful color via #robertkaufman soft creamy wool #attheheartofmyproject via #fairfieldworld Free Patchwork Clinic gappi
Sherri Lynn Wood: Visitors from LA sewing patchwork at clinic - "first time I've seen since 6th grade!" #SewLeWitt #socialpractice #adobebooksbackroomgallery #adobebooks #attheheartofmyproject #robertkaufman #artslant
Sherri Lynn Wood: Visitors enjoying #unconventionalandunexpected at #SewLeWitt installation. #adobebooks #adobebooksbackroomgallery #socialpractice #improvpiecing #improvhandbook #artslant
Sherri Lynn Wood: Three machine action at #SewLeWitt - "satisfying to meet the other women sewing this afternoon" #adobebooks #improvpiecing #socialpractice #artslant #robertkaufman #attheheartofmyproject
Sherri Lynn Wood: Great day's work at #SewLeWitt patchwork clinic! I'm thrilled to see this unfold - "I've never sewn in my life but always wanted to." #adobebooks #socialpractice #improvpiecing #robertkaufman #attheheartofmyproject #artslant
Sherri Lynn Wood: Another wall coming together at #SewLeWitt - "Wow! It was very liberating to have no design in mind." #adobebooks #ScoreForFloatingSquares #socialpractice #improvpiecing #freestyle #artslant #robertkaufman #attheheartofmyproject
Sherri Lynn Wood: Cooling it off and rounding the corner at #SewLeWitt - "Didn't realize that the colors I chose represented some personal history --a favorite blanket on a favorite bed." #adobebooks #ScoreForFloatingSquares #socialpractice #improvpiecing #freestyle #art
Sherri Lynn Wood: Every dat there is more! #SewLeWitt #adobebooks #freestyle #improvpiecing #ScoreForFloatingSquares #artslant #socialpractice #attheheartofmyproject #robertkaufman @robertkaufman #adobebooksbackroomgallery
Sherri Lynn Wood: Every dat there is more! #SewLeWitt #adobebooks #freestyle #improvpiecing #ScoreForFloatingSquares #artslant #socialpractice #attheheartofmyproject #robertkaufman @robertkaufman #adobebooksbackroomgallery
Sherri Lynn Wood: Floating squares covering the walls. Patchwork by many hands. #SewLeWitt #adobebooks #freestyle #improvpiecing #ScoreForFloatingSquares #artslant #socialpractice #attheheartofmyproject #robertkaufman @robertkaufman #adobebooksbackroomgallery
Sherri Lynn Wood: Sorting scraps at #SewLeWitt thinking about Albers and Rothko. Thanks @robertkaufman for the sparkling color! #josefalbers #markrothko #ScoreForFloatingSquares #adobebooksbackroomgallery #socialpractice #artslant #robertkaufman #attheheartofmyproject #ado
Sherri Lynn Wood: "These quilts are smothering the wifi system!" ---ha! That's the goal at #SewLeWitt #adobebooks #ScoreForFloatingSquares #socialpractice #improvpiecing #quilting #modernquilt #artslant #attheheartofmyproject #robertkaufman #adobebooksbackroomgallery
Sherri Lynn Wood: "Ours is the one that doesn't believe in straight lines. But it was fun!" ---3 more days of #SewLeWitt #adobebooks #adobebooksbackroomgallery #socialpractice #artslant #sfart #ScoreForFloatingSquares #attheheartofmyproject #robertkaufman #adobebooks
Sherri Lynn Wood: Placing patchwork on the wall and joining the community at #SewLeWitt - "All was redeemed when I worked my piece together with someone else's - beautiful! ----Closing Reception Sunday Sep 27, 4-7PM #adobebooks #socialpractice #improvpiecing #sfart #artsla
Sherri Lynn Wood: More team work at #SewLeWitt I like how all the patchwork blends. Can you spy their piece from the background? #adobebooks #ScoreForFloatingSquares #socialpractice #improvpiecing #artslant #improvhandbook #sfart
Sherri Lynn Wood: Men's night at #SewLeWitt not on purpose - it just happened. #ScoreForFloatingSquares #socialpractice #improvpiecing #artslant #robertkaufman #attheheartofmyproject #adobebooks #adobebooksbackroomgallery #TheImprovHandbookForModernQuilters #improvhandboo
Sherri Lynn Wood: Men's night at #SewLeWitt -tag team patchwork upper right blue and black. #ScoreForFloatingSquares #socialpractice #improvpiecing #artslant #robertkaufman #attheheartofmyproject #adobebooks #adobebooksbackroomgallery
Sherri Lynn Wood: "Thank you for the time I spent with you learning patchwork. Hugo from Paris." At #SewLeWitt #adobebooksbackroomgallery #ScoreForFloatingSquares #improvpiecing #quilting #modernquilting #socialpractice #sfart #artslant #robertkaufman #attheheartofmyprojec
Sherri Lynn Wood: SewLewitt-0923
Sherri Lynn Wood: SewLewitt-0920-med
Sherri Lynn Wood: SewLeWitt-0924-med
Sherri Lynn Wood: SewLeWitt-0927-med