Sherrett: Butchering & Preparing the lamb: Angus II
Sherrett: The Porkert and Angus II
Sherrett: Braised lamb shoulder
Sherrett: Braised lamb shoulder
Sherrett: Lamb stock
Sherrett: Lamb ragu
Sherrett: Butchering & Preparing the lamb: Angus II
Sherrett: Butchering & Preparing the lamb: Angus II
Sherrett: Ben cuts the brains
Sherrett: Sauteed Brains
Sherrett: Butchering & Preparing the lamb: Angus II
Sherrett: Butchering & Preparing the lamb: Angus II
Sherrett: Roasted leg of lamb
Sherrett: Tools
Sherrett: Butchering & Preparing the lamb: Angus II
Sherrett: Butchering & Preparing the lamb: Angus II
Sherrett: Butchering & Preparing the lamb: Angus II
Sherrett: Butchering & Preparing the lamb: Angus II
Sherrett: Butchering & Preparing the lamb: Angus II
Sherrett: Origami pasta swans - Butchering & Preparing the lamb: Angus II