sherimiya ♥: blenheim apricot blossom
sherimiya ♥: nectarine blossom
sherimiya ♥: clematis montana bud
sherimiya ♥: pretty pastel pinks
sherimiya ♥: oscar appreciates the clematis
sherimiya ♥: clematis montana tons of buds!
sherimiya ♥: clematis in full bloom!
sherimiya ♥: fresh new maple leaves
sherimiya ♥: Japanese maple w lantern
sherimiya ♥: cheiranthus
sherimiya ♥: heliotrope
sherimiya ♥: abraham darby
sherimiya ♥: sweet juliet
sherimiya ♥: pat austin closeup
sherimiya ♥: promise
sherimiya ♥: after the rain
sherimiya ♥: blue clematis flower
sherimiya ♥: "bonsai"
sherimiya ♥: viridis
sherimiya ♥: Swiss book of ornamental plant species