sherihall: Do you see what I see?
sherihall: Who got me storm troopers for my birthday?
sherihall: Whisked away birthday
sherihall: Well, that just happened
sherihall: My feet don't touch the ground
sherihall: In the moment
sherihall: On a diagonal
sherihall: Upside down reflections
sherihall: My precious
sherihall: Building a pyramid
sherihall: Intense
sherihall: Girls in black
sherihall: Mysterious
sherihall: Multi talenting
sherihall: I pronounce you healed!
sherihall: Outburst
sherihall: Solemn
sherihall: Risqué poetry
sherihall: Full contact origami
sherihall: Couple in black
sherihall: Funny lady
sherihall: A joke a day
sherihall: Fanning the flutterbies
sherihall: Fly, butterflies
sherihall: Polka-dotted poet
sherihall: No texting while performing!
sherihall: Shakespeare burlesque
sherihall: Lost my skirt
sherihall: Wouldn't you like to see
sherihall: Silky suspension