Sheriff of Nothing:
The judges gather...
Sheriff of Nothing:
Piccante Pete's chilli chocolate IPA chilli AKA the compétition!
Sheriff of Nothing:
Holy guacamole! The Chilli cook-off begins with a shitload of rice...
Sheriff of Nothing:
Transferred to more roomier lodgings a can of toms is added to tha mess o'beans....
Sheriff of Nothing:
Tha Sheriff uses all three....
Sheriff of Nothing:
Now y'all can add any kind of tomatoes you want in part or combination thereof....
Sheriff of Nothing:
Tha Sheriff's secret ingredient
Sheriff of Nothing:
Beans go in....
Sheriff of Nothing:
This here's a San Marcos pickled Chipotle - hotter'n a Texas cheerleader and twice as smokey!
Sheriff of Nothing:
Say hello to mah li'l friends! We got San Marcos pickled chipotles direct from south of tha border; lag old friend Frank's cayenne pepper sauce; and several varieties of McIlhenny's. At this point folks, tha Sheriff is duty bound to warn y'all remove lens
Sheriff of Nothing:
Takin' tha Sheriff's largest skillet, applyin' low heat til these are sweatier'n a cowpoke's ass workin' overtime....
Sheriff of Nothing:
Here ya go...
Sheriff of Nothing:
Onions, garlic and corn oil will get you started. This here chilli's jus' fo color. Dice 'em, slice 'em, any old how you like 'em. Tha Sheriff does his on the small side owing to that's how the li'l Lady likes 'em.
Sheriff of Nothing:
Sho' nuff ah have been working hard while you all weren't lookin! These here beans been soaked fo'more'n 24 hours and boiled up longer'n a Russian novel. Tha Sheriff don't hold with no fancy ideas regarding bicarb and suchlike but he sure don't recommend
Sheriff of Nothing:
Now tha Sheriff has got hisself a mess o'beans fo this here partay! Ah wanted to fancify things jus a li'l with kidney, pinto and black turtle beans. Variety is also tha spice of beans....
Sheriff of Nothing:
But before we continue with mah Mexican granma's secret recipe ah just wanna introduce mah deputy here, goes by the name of El Spoonero. He's ginna be doing most of the heavy liftin' ....
Sheriff of Nothing:
Now the folks down at the Courthouse challenged the Sheriff to a Chilli Cook-Up and not being one to decline such a bold request ah graciously accepted. Moreover, ah took upon myself the extra burden of supplyin' those poor benighted vegetarian folk aroun