Sheriff of Nothing: The finished article painted in silver enamel. Not pretty, I admit - but highly functional.
Sheriff of Nothing: Enfin, we pour the mix cement and play the waiting game.... Simples!
Sheriff of Nothing: Now we add the inside of a toilet roll that has been cut and adjusted for size....
Sheriff of Nothing: We're going to grease the inside of the empty cement bucket...
Sheriff of Nothing: Back at home I'm going to make a patio umbrella base for £2:50...
Sheriff of Nothing: It's grappa time!
Sheriff of Nothing: The Rhododendrons are out...
Sheriff of Nothing: Dragonfly detail #3
Sheriff of Nothing: Dragonfly detail #2
Sheriff of Nothing: Dragonfly detail
Sheriff of Nothing: Christabel & Gen
Sheriff of Nothing: The Alberonis & The Flying Ant!
Sheriff of Nothing: The loft built-in wardrobe
Sheriff of Nothing: The built-in wardrobe in the spare room is finished.
Sheriff of Nothing: Getting uppity....
Sheriff of Nothing: The stairs baby, the stairs....
Sheriff of Nothing: Blissing....
Sheriff of Nothing: The Bluebottle in front of The Mancave
Sheriff of Nothing: Risotto in the sunshine....
Sheriff of Nothing: Single coat of varnish on a few test steps is making me wish I'd sanded more....
Sheriff of Nothing: The last mile...
Sheriff of Nothing: It's Sour Mash time!
Sheriff of Nothing: Twins this morning!
Sheriff of Nothing: Somewhere over the Mancave...
Sheriff of Nothing: Been collecting oil burners...
Sheriff of Nothing: Scammorza for supper!
Sheriff of Nothing: Strange light tonight...
Sheriff of Nothing: Phone sniffin'
Sheriff of Nothing: Handsome fellow