Sheriff of Nothing:
Wilson, Michael & Nikki on Ponte Sisto
Sheriff of Nothing:
Snow somewhere over the Massif from 37,000ft
Sheriff of Nothing:
Frozen France from the air
Sheriff of Nothing:
Wonder what this could mean....?
Sheriff of Nothing:
Giordano Bruno 1548-1600, burned at the stake by the inquisition in the Campo de Fiori for refusing to recant his beliefs. Among which were the plurality of possible worlds and there eternity.
Sheriff of Nothing:
Giordano Bruno, 1548-1600. Burned at the stake by the inquisition in the Campo de Fiori. He refused to recant his beliefs including the infinity of universes and their eternity.
Sheriff of Nothing:
"Maiori forsan cum timore sententiam in me fertis quam ego accipiam (Perhaps you pronounce this sentence against me with greater fear than I receive it)."
Sheriff of Nothing:
Fountain gargoyles in the Piazza della Rotunda
Sheriff of Nothing:
Fountain gargoyles in the Piazza della Rotunda
Sheriff of Nothing:
Snow in Rome. This is a rare event. Although the last heavy falls were in 2010, the previous one was in 1986!
Sheriff of Nothing:
The oculus of The Pantheon: Almost two thousand years after it was built, the Pantheon's dome is still the world's largest unreinforced concrete dome.
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The high altars and the apses were commissioned by Pope Clement XI (1700–1721)
Sheriff of Nothing:
In the third chapel is a 15th-century painting of the Umbrian school, The Madonna of Mercy between St Francis and St John the Baptist. It is also known as the Madonna of the Railing, because it originally hung in the niche on the left-hand side of the por
Sheriff of Nothing:
Ponte Sisto, Rome in snow
Sheriff of Nothing:
Piazza Sidney Sonnino
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Tomb of Raphael, Pantheon
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Madonna del Sasso (Madonna of the Rock) so named because she rests one foot on a boulder. It was commissioned by Raphael and made by Lorenzetto in 1524.
Sheriff of Nothing:
Macchi scales in coffee shop
Sheriff of Nothing:
50 year old coffee roasting beast
Sheriff of Nothing:
Wilbur waits for the mythical ArcheoBus
Sheriff of Nothing:
More old stuff....
Sheriff of Nothing:
Finally, some decent spray can work....
Sheriff of Nothing:
Fancy footwork
Sheriff of Nothing:
Stop control graffito
Sheriff of Nothing:
Eye on the sky
Sheriff of Nothing:
No comment
Sheriff of Nothing:
Sheriff of Nothing:
Death's Head
Sheriff of Nothing:
Arch of Constantine
Sheriff of Nothing:
Random Rome