Sheriff of Nothing: The Robert Adam façade at Osterley House
Sheriff of Nothing: Alessia @ Osterley
Sheriff of Nothing: 18th C Fire-engine
Sheriff of Nothing: The stables
Sheriff of Nothing: Herring-bone brickwork in the stables
Sheriff of Nothing: The stables
Sheriff of Nothing: The Reubens Fresco
Sheriff of Nothing: Staircase bronze
Sheriff of Nothing: 1920s range
Sheriff of Nothing: 1920s range
Sheriff of Nothing: 1920s range
Sheriff of Nothing: Pastry oven
Sheriff of Nothing: Bread oven
Sheriff of Nothing: Pastry bench
Sheriff of Nothing: Heart of the House
Sheriff of Nothing: The kitchen table
Sheriff of Nothing: Scullery window
Sheriff of Nothing: Alessia A****
Sheriff of Nothing: Storage jars in the pantry
Sheriff of Nothing: View to the kitchens
Sheriff of Nothing: Mrs. Bunce's room
Sheriff of Nothing: The ubiquitous Mrs. Beeton
Sheriff of Nothing: Equestrian bronze of Prince Albert
Sheriff of Nothing: Beer & wine cellar
Sheriff of Nothing: Beer & wine cellar
Sheriff of Nothing: Wine & beer cellar
Sheriff of Nothing: IMG_0843.JPG
Sheriff of Nothing: IMG_0844.JPG