Sheriff of Nothing: Inside Maison Numero Neuf
Sheriff of Nothing: Pesky Wabbits
Sheriff of Nothing: Feeding time at the hen menagerie
Sheriff of Nothing: Tom cuddles a chook
Sheriff of Nothing: Is this a baguette I see before me?
Sheriff of Nothing: Get this down yer...
Sheriff of Nothing: Top floor, Maison Numero Neuf
Sheriff of Nothing: Hattie and one of her egg-laying pets
Sheriff of Nothing: Maybe Mathilde....
Sheriff of Nothing: Inside Maison Numero Neuf
Sheriff of Nothing: Tom displays a fine example of duck egg
Sheriff of Nothing: Lounge room, Maison Numero Neuf
Sheriff of Nothing: Hattie wields a baguette
Sheriff of Nothing: Maison Numero Neuf
Sheriff of Nothing: Maison Numero Neuf
Sheriff of Nothing: Maison Numero Neuf
Sheriff of Nothing: Maison Numero Neuf
Sheriff of Nothing: Maison Numero Neuf