Sheriff of Nothing: Monica Vaswani at Evans Street
Sheriff of Nothing: Monica Vaswani at Evans Street
Sheriff of Nothing: Inside the Masonic Hall
Sheriff of Nothing: My parent's house at Kurrajong
Sheriff of Nothing: Still a teenager
Sheriff of Nothing: At the Masonic Hall with a blue cattle dog
Sheriff of Nothing: A portrait by Tom Dion c.1996
Sheriff of Nothing: At Ed Dion's house
Sheriff of Nothing: The Masonic Hall kitchen
Sheriff of Nothing: Talking at the Oxford Tavern
Sheriff of Nothing: At the Masonic Hall, Smith Street, Wollongong
Sheriff of Nothing: Reading Cummings in Wollongong
Sheriff of Nothing: Walking into Ed Dion's place @ Smith Street.
Sheriff of Nothing: With Vashti on the back pocrh at Evans St.
Sheriff of Nothing: Ed Dion's place @ Smith Street
Sheriff of Nothing: Keira Street with Kim Bray & others
Sheriff of Nothing: Evans St c'90
Sheriff of Nothing: Oxford Tavern 90s
Sheriff of Nothing: Oxford Tavern 90s
Sheriff of Nothing: Keira St. early 90s
Sheriff of Nothing: Pont St. Esprit
Sheriff of Nothing: Stantonesque
Sheriff of Nothing: Stantonesque #2
Sheriff of Nothing: Not writing The Great Australian Novel
Sheriff of Nothing: Wow! Dodgy old passport photo aged 30
Sheriff of Nothing: Dodgy old passport photo aged 23