Sheriff of Nothing: canada100.jpg
Sheriff of Nothing: canada099.jpg
Sheriff of Nothing: canada098.jpg
Sheriff of Nothing: canada097.jpg
Sheriff of Nothing: canada096.jpg
Sheriff of Nothing: Ex-wife in front of her Canadian family home
Sheriff of Nothing: Talia Hussain in downtown Winnipeg Xmas '02
Sheriff of Nothing: Talia Hussain in Winnipeg, Xmas '02
Sheriff of Nothing: Some fort or other...
Sheriff of Nothing: Winnipeg street
Sheriff of Nothing: Uncle Roger & Missus plus ex-wife
Sheriff of Nothing: Canadian fast food van
Sheriff of Nothing: canada088.jpg
Sheriff of Nothing: canada087.jpg
Sheriff of Nothing: canada086.jpg
Sheriff of Nothing: canada085.jpg
Sheriff of Nothing: canada084.jpg
Sheriff of Nothing: canada083.jpg
Sheriff of Nothing: canada082.jpg
Sheriff of Nothing: canada081.jpg
Sheriff of Nothing: canada080.jpg
Sheriff of Nothing: canada079.jpg
Sheriff of Nothing: canada078.jpg
Sheriff of Nothing: Canadian kitchen
Sheriff of Nothing: Dr. Marilyn McKay, shopping
Sheriff of Nothing: Like mother, like daughter...
Sheriff of Nothing: Standing on the frozen Red River
Sheriff of Nothing: Ice fishing
Sheriff of Nothing: Ice fishing on the Red River