sherieramsgard: Ruby's brownie cake for her real bday
sherieramsgard: Grandma & Grandpa came by on real bday with skateboard
sherieramsgard: Ruby's real bday dinner @ Rosalies
sherieramsgard: Em & Ruby pretending to be swans
sherieramsgard: Ruby gets swans to kiss
sherieramsgard: Ruby & Rex on her real bday
sherieramsgard: Nana sent a webkinz bday present & Ruby's excited as she checks it out
sherieramsgard: Strangs got her a warm scarf
sherieramsgard: Nessie sent her a game
sherieramsgard: Ruby got a wee glass animal
sherieramsgard: decorations
sherieramsgard: no theme, just mixed matched
sherieramsgard: the cake she requested
sherieramsgard: Ruby waiting for her guests
sherieramsgard: Ruby, Sophia, & Samantha waiting for others to arrive
sherieramsgard: Chloe stopped in to say happy birthday
sherieramsgard: Ruby dresing down
sherieramsgard: Olivia in dress up game
sherieramsgard: Samantha dressing up
sherieramsgard: Sophia dressing up
sherieramsgard: Olivia hitting pinata
sherieramsgard: Samantha hitting pinata
sherieramsgard: Ruby hitting pinata
sherieramsgard: Chili pepper pinata heads
sherieramsgard: Ms. Bev & Nana helping with pin the tail on the donkey
sherieramsgard: Emily helped too
sherieramsgard: Rex, the nerf enforcer for girlie squabbles
sherieramsgard: Making tote bags
sherieramsgard: getting ready to go on scavenger hunt
sherieramsgard: checking out goodies from scavenger hunt