sherieramsgard: Rex & BO
sherieramsgard: Rex, the new exhibit @ the zoo
sherieramsgard: Rex and the sleepy panda
sherieramsgard: Rex & Ruby with reptile @ zoo
sherieramsgard: Ruby & panda, again
sherieramsgard: Rex is BIG
sherieramsgard: Ruby hurt her ankle, but found a walking stick
sherieramsgard: Andy found some squirrels to charm
sherieramsgard: Ruby, Rex, & Vanessa headed to China town
sherieramsgard: ruby with chicken hat
sherieramsgard: Ruby, hat, big button
sherieramsgard: Rex is that you?
sherieramsgard: Ruby doo
sherieramsgard: Ruby with blossoms & Jefferson Monument @ tidal basin
sherieramsgard: Rex & RUby in cherry tree
sherieramsgard: Ruby & Ness
sherieramsgard: Rex & Ruby in tree
sherieramsgard: Ruby found a house her size
sherieramsgard: Before the wind hit
sherieramsgard: Sherie, Rex, & Ruby on a rainy day in front of art museum
sherieramsgard: art piece outside the art museum
sherieramsgard: andy keeps statue dry
sherieramsgard: welcome to Mt. Vernon
sherieramsgard: Mt. Vernon
sherieramsgard: Mt. Vernon roof tops
sherieramsgard: Rex & Ruby on bowling green of Mt. Vernon
sherieramsgard: Rex & Ruby in gardens @ Mt. Vernon
sherieramsgard: Sherie, Rex, & Ruby @ mt. Vernon near old tomb
sherieramsgard: Door to tomb
sherieramsgard: George & Martha's graves