The New Sheridan Club: Chairman Torquil opens proceedings
The New Sheridan Club: Sarah begins
The New Sheridan Club: Charlotte portrayed as a keen snuff-taker
The New Sheridan Club: Fortunately we captured the whole talk on camera: see
The New Sheridan Club: (l–r) Stewart Lister Vicker, Ian White, Matthew Howard
The New Sheridan Club: (l–r) Andrew Fish, Curé Michael Silver, Aidan Rothnie, Luc Jellinek
The New Sheridan Club: Ian and Matthew
The New Sheridan Club: That's the Earl of Essex on the left
The New Sheridan Club: (l–r) Frances, Sarah, Stuart Mitchell, Hannah
The New Sheridan Club: Beer pumps get repurposed as a hatstand
The New Sheridan Club: A welcome sighting of Eugenie Rhodes, whom we see very rarely since she moved to Tunbridge Wells
The New Sheridan Club: Helpful citizen Lord Hare has found a heel that has fallen off a shoe, and scours the premises to find its owner (unsuccessfully)
The New Sheridan Club: (l–r) Oliver Lane, Luca Jellinek, Aidan Rothnie, Lord Hare, Frances Mitchell
The New Sheridan Club: Frances and Sarah