The New Sheridan Club:
Paul and Mrs H.
The New Sheridan Club:
The New Sheridan Club:
The Contessa di Campari with Steven Myhill
The New Sheridan Club:
Incy Wincy Spider
The New Sheridan Club:
Louise does her impression of a sphinx
The New Sheridan Club:
Mai Møller
The New Sheridan Club:
George Tudor-Hart with Pandora Harrison
The New Sheridan Club:
The New Sheridan Club:
Ali with Sean and Claire
The New Sheridan Club:
By uncanny coincidence, Anton's "Flying Martin" fez is mirrored by the ancient symbol on the tomb wall
The New Sheridan Club:
The Watermeres from Up North
The New Sheridan Club:
Luke Wenban
The New Sheridan Club:
Paul Fletcher
The New Sheridan Club:
The band hurried write some music shortly before showtime
The New Sheridan Club:
Egyptian wall paintings courtesy of Mrs H.
The New Sheridan Club:
Zack Pinsent on the left and Tim Eyre in the middle
The New Sheridan Club:
Mai gets in the mood for some horse-whipping
The New Sheridan Club:
Russell Nash
The New Sheridan Club:
Anton kicks off the Shoot the Nose Off the Sphinx game
The New Sheridan Club:
A recreation of the Sphinx as it looked when it still had a nose
The New Sheridan Club:
The New Sheridan Club:
The New Sheridan Club:
The New Sheridan Club:
The New Sheridan Club:
The New Sheridan Club:
The New Sheridan Club:
The New Sheridan Club:
William Cole looks suitably trepidatious
The New Sheridan Club:
The New Sheridan Club: