The New Sheridan Club: Torquil gives his customary introduction
The New Sheridan Club: I hadn't expected that Ronald would talk sitting with his back to the audience—this is the closest I got to a picture of his face, I'm afraid
The New Sheridan Club: The audience
The New Sheridan Club: Enraptured by the dazzling Hollywood imagery
The New Sheridan Club: And image from Life magazine
The New Sheridan Club: It was a jolly full house, despite the tube strike
The New Sheridan Club: Part of the slide show of royal wedding snaps
The New Sheridan Club: Miss Penelope Vetiver (not that she uses that name much)
The New Sheridan Club: Eugenie Rhodes
The New Sheridan Club: Charles Henry Wolfenblood looks confused by his map
The New Sheridan Club: Thomas Sibelius Hallgate Hills signs on the dotted line
The New Sheridan Club: Ms Fiona Salter joined the Club tonight
The New Sheridan Club: For some reason many people spent most of the time outside
The New Sheridan Club: Seriously, at this point the barmaid was alone in the room we had hired
The New Sheridan Club: Sean takes us through highlights of his recent political speech
The New Sheridan Club: Compton-Bassett eyes the paps suspiciously
The New Sheridan Club: Olive Lane by lamplight
The New Sheridan Club: This impossibly stylish couple are Edward Marlowe and Bethan Garland
The New Sheridan Club: Craig Young is happy with a pint in his hand
The New Sheridan Club: Eugenie dons her fabulous coat as she and Fiona head off