The New Sheridan Club: The Earl of Essex (l) and Seth Thevoz
The New Sheridan Club: Robert helps me show why a wide-angle lens close up is not flattering
The New Sheridan Club: Robert and Seonaid again, from on high
The New Sheridan Club: Anton's opening slide, a cunning simulacrum
The New Sheridan Club: Mr Simon Pile helps show why using a bounce flash close up can have side effects
The New Sheridan Club: Mr Krause begins
The New Sheridan Club: Using Artemis Scarheart, a demonstration of the glove/face slap interface
The New Sheridan Club: Mr Krause considers a weapon
The New Sheridan Club: Still got that sword
The New Sheridan Club: A slide showing just how much theory and training were on offer
The New Sheridan Club: Anton, deep in lecture...
The New Sheridan Club: Mr Krause sums up at the end
The New Sheridan Club: He sets great store by having just the RIGHT weapon...
The New Sheridan Club: Fruity in the foreground of a rapt audience
The New Sheridan Club: Capt Coppice presents a sword
The New Sheridan Club: Same again but we focus on his face
The New Sheridan Club: The last thing you would see before being despatched in a duel with Coppice
The New Sheridan Club: The good captain does this sort of thing for real on the parade ground, I believe
The New Sheridan Club: Not an actual duel between Coppice and Jessie but some sort of exchange of ceremonial tips
The New Sheridan Club: But I have a feeling she fences
The New Sheridan Club: Jessie shows how she could beat Coppice in a duel even with her back to him
The New Sheridan Club: Coppice with a photograph of a duel from the early 20th Century
The New Sheridan Club: Jessie give Mai some self defence pointers
The New Sheridan Club: Seth (l) with Mr Krause
The New Sheridan Club: Mr Newlove looking furtive
The New Sheridan Club: Coppice lets Mai win, a dangerous strategy in a real duel
The New Sheridan Club: I'm pleased to see that she doesn't put down her drink even while despatching him
The New Sheridan Club: Coppice inspects the workmanship
The New Sheridan Club: Russell with a genuine film camera