The New Sheridan Club: The calm before the storm sees the Chairman in conversation with Gavin Hadland
The New Sheridan Club: Laurence has some Brain Juice
The New Sheridan Club: The Challenge Master asks another knotty question
The New Sheridan Club: Three people writing down three different answers
The New Sheridan Club: The joy of an NSC Event
The New Sheridan Club: Could it be? Could that be the answer?
The New Sheridan Club: Scarheart demands more answers
The New Sheridan Club: Bunty and Isabel
The New Sheridan Club: Isabel reveals nothing
The New Sheridan Club: Chico St Martin, Dame Fforbes, De Rives, Compton-Bassett and Callie
The New Sheridan Club: Laurie is quietly confident of his team's prowess
The New Sheridan Club: Fleur and a barrow boy
The New Sheridan Club: The Wooden Spoon is presented to the Baron
The New Sheridan Club: Proudly he holds it aloft.
The New Sheridan Club: His team seem delighted with their humiliation
The New Sheridan Club: Subjectively fabulous prizes are doled out
The New Sheridan Club: It was very hot in the quiz room, hence removed jackets
The New Sheridan Club: Scarheart sees a map of imaginary places. 'Europe? What rot!'
The New Sheridan Club: Niall and his team of near-winners examine their booty
The New Sheridan Club: A bunch of smart-alecs
The New Sheridan Club: Mrs H. garlanded with medals for her powerful brain
The New Sheridan Club: Precious mind gold!
The New Sheridan Club: Her breathing was choked off around this point
The New Sheridan Club: Devils in Skirts, gracious in victory
The New Sheridan Club: A mailed fist crushing the opposition
The New Sheridan Club: Ladies corner