The New Sheridan Club: Torquil gives his customary introduction
The New Sheridan Club: The audience is rapt, apart from Chris who is rapt by the NSC Newsletter
The New Sheridan Club: Des kicks off
The New Sheridan Club: A tough crowd
The New Sheridan Club: Scarheart guards the door—no one must escape
The New Sheridan Club: Gabriel nods off
The New Sheridan Club: Mrs Downer and Mrs Beckwith
The New Sheridan Club: Des searches for the mot juste
The New Sheridan Club: Part of the sophisticated visual display
The New Sheridan Club: Des ponders; Scarheart decides whom to kill
The New Sheridan Club: A ripple of mirth...
The New Sheridan Club: More pondering
The New Sheridan Club: Eugenie Rhodes eyes the paparazzo
The New Sheridan Club: Des delivered his talk mostly from the safety of the laptop