The New Sheridan Club:
Lee's magic box
The New Sheridan Club:
John is riveted by proceedings
The New Sheridan Club:
Heather and Matthew brace themselves for the torrent of fun
The New Sheridan Club:
Benjamin and Miss Hartley
The New Sheridan Club:
Jessie looks winsome for the camera
The New Sheridan Club:
Mrs H. shows off her new 1940s-style trousers
The New Sheridan Club:
The Curé ponders some profound ecumenical matter, no doubt
The New Sheridan Club:
The lecture is about to begin
The New Sheridan Club:
Our Glorious Chairman makes his introduction, ably supported by a pint of lager
The New Sheridan Club:
Mr Lee Sayer begins
The New Sheridan Club:
A replica of a very early camera
The New Sheridan Club:
Lee orates
The New Sheridan Club:
Torquil squints through a large format camera
The New Sheridan Club:
Miss De Land delivers a withering look
The New Sheridan Club:
Essex and Parson Woodforde examines an instrument
The New Sheridan Club:
Basically everyone points cameras at everyone else
The New Sheridan Club:
Now it's the parson's turn
The New Sheridan Club:
An embarassment of photographic devices
The New Sheridan Club:
That camera again
The New Sheridan Club:
General milling and mooching
The New Sheridan Club:
The Curé gets curious
The New Sheridan Club:
Mrs H. snaps the snapper
The New Sheridan Club:
Miss Hartley with what I think is an engagement present
The New Sheridan Club:
Robert Beckwith and Parson Woodforde
The New Sheridan Club:
Matt tries on a bowler, which for some reason just makes him look like a razor-wielding villain
The New Sheridan Club:
No, it's still not working